
Showing posts from 2012

Top 5 places I want to explore (international)

Singing with a same soul

The sky is the limit

Manila's Hard Ass

Manila-boy Adventure Begins

Lies, what it can do to you. It can end your world.

Here We Go!

now what?

Video Blog: Company Outing

A year of extra-ordinary adventure

Before the A-Day

Take the risk.

Chuck Norries and the Zombies

It's Lent!


Running for your life

Stay Calm and Blog

Dooms Day kits: Alarm

Felt like a shitty zombie

The day my world ended.. I think

Apocalyptic world: How to survive everyday before the judgement day.

ISLANDINCEPTION: More fun in the philippines

New years resolution: Online marketing viral site. Genius!

Rest Day Reviews: The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo


A Lazy Mans Views: Films, Games, Comics, and other geeky stuff: CSDA, Artist of the month, and Sherlock Holmes

Things You May Want to Know Before Visiting the UK

Dear 2011

A new YEAR! a new Adventure