What are we doing?
Since the last month we don't have an actual show on air, we are doing plenty of stuff to keep the bureau busy.
The never-ending-story-proposal.
We don't have any stories on bank right now, so we are generating story ideas while we are still "on vacation". But unluckily, all we have done so far, is to generate ideas and no proposals for it.
(10 points. ideas 0 point proposal). Yeah, I know we suck.
Go for shooting.
We have 1 story proposed and "go for shooting" (horaaay!) why aren't we moving? well uhm, It's complicated, see our bureau have all the mind creativity power that we can accommodate, but we lack the super "man power"
YES! man power we are a bunch of lazy weak dudes.
In fact the bureau consist of astonishingly 2 active people! and 2 inactive/occasional members!
plus a bunch of disappearing dudes.
with all the activities we need to do, all the things we need to accomplish, with all the time we devote to stuff that matters. What the heck are doing?
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!