twenty something YAY!!
I would like to greet my buddy ARVIN! yey! It's our birthday!
They say birthdays should be special or something.
These morning it seems not that special, I woke up at around 6:30, rushing because I have a big quiz on my first subject. I was waiting for a ride at around 7:15 I took a cab with my schoolmate/neighbour "Lea".
I was cramming my notes, but none of the stuff I wrote entered my mind. grrr.
7:30: we took off the cab and paid a large amount of my allowance for today.
I went 5 floors up to my classroom, thank god I made it somehow and I’m not late. Whew.
I was a 6 question essay. (YES! I'm good at essay thanks blogging) so it was easy.
after that i went to my debate class, then An impromptu speech was given and my name was picked. DANG!
Given 10mins.given a chance to have a speech with her Excellency PGMA construct a 3min speech anything you want to tell her.
Well first thing that came in my mind was her policy on media.
And I want to tell the president how bad these policies are.
Extra Judicial Killings?
So I made a speech.
And walah! I got a "best impromptu speech"
hahaha! i'm glad.
Then I was afraid well not basically afraid but I dont wanna go to my office yet, why?
Because, I know they will throw a party for me.
It's not that I don't want to have one, not yet, its too early and I'm a bit confused and frustrated.
I don't know where to go, I started walking, my next class would be at 12:30, I need to kill some time. I ended up in the Baguio Cathedral, well okay, I can pray a bit, The last time I was here... hmmm.. Was last year? hehehe
To my surprise there's a wedding!
I end up watching the wedding...
Then the wedding choir started singing, I didn’t noticed it at first but the girl whose playing the guitar and sings was "Shobe' well she's pretty and multi talented i must say.
I end up looking up.
Then things started to bother me.
After I graduate, where will I be?
What work will i do?
I want to travel around the world, see the sights, enjoy my life.
but how? I’m 20.. I'm not a teen anymore.
I'm an adult. Crap!
but I look 17?
I want to enjoy my life being single, getting laid and stuff.
But if ever I'm going to marry someone.
i would give here the best wedding.
I'm planning a 3 part wedding.
A church wedding: (Family and Relatives)
A garden wedding (Friends and Classmates)
And lastly a out of the country wedding.
ganda noh?
so at 11am
I looked at the church, thank god for another year he had given me, i know he knows how thankful I am.
So I passed by the "aviary" along the church side, I was amazed how the birds tweets at the same time, I was there mesmerized by the way the fly, and kiss and fight. It took almost 15mis or more, I didn’t notice the time while I gazed at the birds.
Then I decided, HEY! I need the time to be alone, I need to celebrate my birthday, all this time i was with someone, had a companion, now its just me. Only me.
I need to treat my self.
With 100bucks in my wallet I went to the mall.
It's been a while when I stepped here, its like... 5months! oh dear.
New shops are opened, and I never noticed how Baguio looked so peace.
Then i went to the cinema, just looking at the upcoming movies..
Then went to see if i can find a nice book at book sale,
Passed by this cereal shop, where they served various cereals with ice cream and toppings
Hey maybe i can try one.
I ordered one "trailer" of I forgot the name..
Anyhow there's this white ice-cream, coco crunch, with kisses chocolate and marshmallows
So I ate it.. It was crunch and cold and hmmm so good.
I went back to school, we have no class, instead I went to see my friends shooting their film, then at 1:30 i went to the office
they greeted me.
Kirk called and I heard "HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUILL" some 5 voices of my friends in SLU
i said thank you guys you really made my day.
then I had this one “bilao” of “pancit”, 3 rolls of cinnamon bread of Swiss Baker hmm taste so good, also our secretary bought a “ensaymada” from country club with these ham.
I'm overwhelmed super.
I went to the administration office, invited them to com over and celebrate with me.
They gladly came.
I'm happy because somehow, I did celebrate, even though I only have 50php left in my stash.
Joie gave me this cool shirt I was like surprised, she gave me a t-shirt a blue striped deck out shirt! WOW! I don’t know what to say, they loved me, i loved them to!
And I had this card, with all the silly dedications and greetings, everyone signed.
Also mam Lisa, gave me this chocolate. With this note.
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!