SEMBREAK: The First Night
First draft not yet fully edited :D

The First Night
The final bell rings, its official the semester is over
“Let’s have a road trip!” Sym suggested while packing his school stuff.
That’s cool, if your beetle can fit 6 persons with extra large flab.
HEY! Gibb shouted defensively.
We all laughed.
At the Cafeteria the group decided to bring Gibb’s family van.
Sym, Gibb, and I are planning to invite our campus crushes, it’s a pretty good way for us to bond and score some points
I decided to invite Roxy, I really like her and she’s my cheat-buddy in history class. She has this long black hair, pinkish white skin and a lovely smile.
Sym the basketball jock a tall tan with washboard abs dude will bring her girlfriend Whitney.
And Gibb will bring his weird twin sister Trish.
We are all set! Head out tomorrow at Gibbs place at 3am, bundle up your things because it will be a hell of a weekend! Sym said cheerfully.
Where are we going again? Gibb suddenly asked.
Apparently Gibb is not paying attention to the earlier conversation.
We are going to my Grandfather’s old resort, it’s not that fancy, it closed down a few years back when he died no one wants to continue the business, since everyone decided to go abroad, but we can stay there for the weekend it’s all ours. I said.
Oh, that sounds okay; Gibb approved positively then took a big bite in his burger.
I arrived at Gibb’s House at exactly 3am, his sister opened the door for me, and as usual she’s being the classy bitch
My brother is in the garage, just dump your stuff there.
SLAM! She shut the door right in front of me.
I went around and I saw Gibb securing the van.
Is she really your twin? I’m having a second thought. She doesn’t even look like you or act like you. She’s so grumpy and all weird. I mumbled as I placed my stuff behind the van.
She just finished cleaning up, it’s the only thing she needs to do to come in this trip. Gibb explained.
Well that explains it!
Sym and Whitney came after they got tons of things, I wonder if it would fit in the van.
We’re only gonna be there for two nights, and you brought your whole household with you?
Ha! Ha! Very funny you’ll be thanking me later. Sym said confidently. By the way this is Whitney.
Whitney is a smaller than me, she has this rust colored hair, yes she’s pretty in all the manners of the word, she seems sweet and a bit free by the way she dress. I mean if she like to wear sexy clothes but I see more skin than fabrics.
Trish! Hurry up and be sure to lock the house properly! Gibb shouted, and we all went inside I sat beside the driver since I’m the back-up driver and we will fetch Roxy a couple of blocks around Gibb’s.
Sym and Whitney stayed in the back with all the loads of belongings, while Trish quietly seated behind Gibb. We almost drove pass Roxy, She seems to carry a little stuff than I expect, Flashing her phone light as we stop.
Wow! We almost missed you there, jump in! I said.
Hi Trish! Roxy greeted, Oh Sym! Good morning! And she smiled as she enters the van.
Is that all your stuff? Gibb asked.
Yes, practically. Then she wrap her arms in her small back pack. I’m just good at folding things she added.
Sweet! I smiled back. Good thing you can come.
I’m really looking forward going out for trip, for a change. Roxy answered.
Well it’ll be a long trip from here so reserve your strength, Time check is 3:28am we will be there at around 7am.
We turned up the music, sang a couple of songs, and like a montage. As the sunrise hit the road we arrived at our destination at around 7:30
The resort is simple in its own rights. The pool was empty and full of dried leaves. The cottages are quite cozy, made from bamboos but the main mansion is the largest wooden building in the resort. It has two floors has several rooms, and surprisingly warm with a huge main hall. A perfect cast away party place.
The booze are out the music are loud and we own the place, we cleaned the pool and filled it with fresh mountain water we dive in, swam and had played a couple of pool volleyball Boys VS. Girls but we lost, fairly. We ate some barbeque picked some fresh pineapples just around the corner, and dived in the nearby river. It was a paradise!
At the pool side, Sym is still cooking some barbeque and drinking some beer with Whitney, While Gibb is resting in “duyan” near the pool, he seem pretty exhausted from the drive and the volley ball game, it’s a good thing so I can talk to Roxy.
“Are you having fun?, here have some…” I reached a can of soda and gave it to Roxy.
“Super! I’m living the life!” She said enthusiastically.
This place is the greatest! She added then took a sip from the can of soda.
“This used to be the best.” I said and she looked at me.
“Why what happened here?” She asked.
They say this Resort is cursed, I don’t believe that, I’ve been here since I was just a little kid; it’s just a black propaganda that other competitors created to bring us down. Yes several accidents happen, but it is merely due to recklessness of the guest. They often ignore safety procedures and stuff. Then only a small number of customers came and by the end of the year hardly anyone ever visits, so my Grandpa decided to close it down or sell it but no one wants it. So it became a family rest house.
And for the first time I had one real long conversation with her aside from the casual “Hi’s” and “Hello’s” cheat questions. I’m really talking to Roxy now, and that made me happier more than ever.
I suddenly tried changing the topic.
“I bet I can beat you in swimming up to that end of the pool.”
“You wouldn’t dare challenge me”. She said, “you may not ask but I’m the best swimmer in my family.” She bragged.
“Ehem..” I cleared my throat,
“Really? Well first one to reach the end wins, and no cheating.” I pointed out strongly. And whoever looses should obey the winner’s request.
No way! She screamed
Dang! She rejected my proposal, I thought I had her; my plan did not work out! I thought it would be a great opportunity.
Well it will be a shame if “the greatest swimmer in the family” won’t even try.
She fell silent for a moment, maybe I’m trying to hard to mock her. I’m about to stand up when she said
Your on, but don’t cry when you loose! She said in a very convincing manner.
A silly smile painted in my face. On the count of three?
Water swooshed and the race is on, She’s fast but I can catch up, I plunge and stroke my way as fast as I can, Maybe I’ll win this one It’ll be easy. At this point we are at the same pace. As I was about to take one deep breath from my mouth I felt something grab my foot and it dragged me down the pool. My mind was trying to figure out what is happening, I tried to look for that thing that hooked my leg, All the while I thought of it as a branch and I struggled with it clutching my hand to release it. But it was soft and cold, It seem to be a human hand. Terrified and almost out of air I screamed releasing the every last oxygen in my lungs. I was about to pass out when I felt someone pulled me up.
My lungs expanded as I gasp for the air.
“Are you okay?” A worried voice echoed.
I coughed badly as water ejects. “In my… my foot” I manage to say.
“Foot cramps?” She revealed then laughs.
“Challenging me is a bad idea. That’ll teach you a lesson.” And she giggles away.
“Stand up now! Don’t expect me to give you mouth-to-mouth because I ain’t buying that stuff.” She ordered and slapped my abs.
I slowly tried to sit, I’m still alive thank god, but that thing is not a foot cramp, and it’s definitely not a branch that clanged. Something pulled me down, and it’s giving me Goosebumps.
Trish seems very weary since we came.
Gibb said maybe she was just tired.
At night we settled down inside the wooden mansion, at the main hall Sym set up a mini bar where he made several cocktails and drinks, it was so good. I bet he’ll be the next big thing in bartending. We danced with MJ’s songs and it’s really fun to be around with these guys, after awhile we just shared stories and tell corny jokes everyone seems to be having fun. Gibb plays some guitar we got to sing-along with him, Trish is now back with us and she seemed to be a bit light.
“I’m in this restaurant and I ask the waitress if they have any soup and she was like, what kind of soup? I then said soup-drinks get it soap-drinks! Ha Ha Ha” Trish giggled while telling a lame joke but because of the alcohol it was funny and we are rolling on the floor.
Sym and Whitney’s force affection are getting intense.
“Get a room you two!” Trish yelled then throws a pillow at Whitney.
“Ayt, all right, Kudos guys! Me and my Baby are off to bed”, then He carried Whitney and went upstairs, Whitney is just laughing and eating Sym like a hungry Hannibal.
Then I looked at Roxy, How I wish I won the swim race so I could ask her to you know.. or not.
You haven’t told me you’re “Special Request” Roxy? I teased her while she was eating spaghetti.
She looked at me boldly and said, “You’ll be surprised.” Then smiled.
I think I left my mouth opened for a second, My mind was travelling a thousand mile of things that she might ask me to do for her, and I was hoping *that, but with Roxy? I bet she will let me run naked around the whole resort at night time. And Honestly I’m pretty damn scared on what’s she’s going to do with me.
Come’ on tell me so I can be prepared. I pleaded. I’m going to be a nut-cracked-crazy if she kept on hiding her plan. She’s a nightmare in secrets.
“There’s no need for preparation” She just said.
I give up, she won’t tell me and I bet it will be a bloodbath. Dang! I hate to loose.
Trish and Roxy are now talking it’s in a girl’s language so I can’t fully comprehend. Gibb and I just established for a man to man talk.
It’s around two in the morning, and sleep finally catches my eye.
Roxy and Trish went to their room while Gibb look like his in dreamland and sleeping comfortably at the couch. I decided to rest at my room upstairs. I was hoping to get laid like Sym. My life sucks.
I was walking in the corridor when suddenly my head felt a bit bigger,
“The alcohol is getting into my brain” I quietly thought.
Then the hair on my nape started to stand.
I felt someone is watching me.
I quickly opened my room and slumped on the bed fell asleep within second.
Gibb on the other hand was solemnly sleeping in the couch when suddenly he felt he needs to pee. He sat up and checked the clock and its 3am. He looked around no ones around.
“I forgot to ask,” He quietly whispered. “Where is the comfort room?”
With no time to waste he went to the back of the hall into the kitchen and pass the backdoor he opened the screen door and ended up outside the mansion. He looked left to right to check and felt stupid because he knows no one is around.
“Sorry, I need to let it out”, Gibb said and did his thing.
Gibb can see his breath like a smoke. He smiled and puffs more like a kid. Then he glanced at his lower right and saw someone breathe puff too.
He turned his head and saw nothing.
His finished up and went inside, well he made a mess so he decided to wash his hands.
Then he felt his head become heavier
The hair on the back of his nape started to stand.
He ignored it and checked refrigerator and grabbed some bottled beer and head at the back door and decides to lock it.
And the screen door he noticed a girl standing outside.
She’s standing on his pee.
“Hey! Don’t step on my…”
He noticed that the girl’s feet in not touching the wooden platform
When his about to look up the girl’s bloody face it suddenly screech and charged him.
He also screamed and quickly took a step back, he slipped and knocks his head on the kitchen counter, drop the bottled beer and bashed his elbow on it.
Roxy woke me up, and in immediate voice
Wake up, Gibbs had an accident!
I stood up, holding my head and asking again
What? Who? I was just recovering all my senses.
Gibb! Hurry!
I went down and saw Sym supporting Gibb walk. I saw blood from Gibb’s right arm. Trish took off her shirt and made a bandage out of it, placed it in Gibb’s wound.
What Happened to you? I ask nervously
“I went out to pee!” He said while holding his head.
Whitney said “I heard him scream so I went down to check.
Sym positioned Gibb in the couch.
You’ve got a blood on your head! Sym said after noticing goosing blood from Gibbs nape.
Uh? Slipped. Knocked the kitchen counter.
“We better bring you to the town’s hospital.” Trish urgently suggested
No one bother refuting.
Trish got the keys and head out.
Sym and I help Gibb walk up to the van.
“Call us if anything comes up.“ I calmly said to Trish who’s starting the van.
“Yes, I will.”
Drive safely Sym said.
“Drive just straight ahead.” I instruct directly.
Yeah, yeah! I know. She said and drove away quickly.
The oddity of happiness. The next thing you’ll know a much graver opposite will happen.
We went back at the mansion, Whitney and Roxy are sitting in the patio talking about what just happened.
He’ll be alright Sym said comfortably.
He is a strong guy, He had worse. He added.
You guys better rest I added, maybe tomorrow when they returned we can all go home. Let’s call it the night. I suggested.
We all decided to return to our room at the second floor.
I really felt it’s my fault. I should have woke him up when I was about to sleep, none of this would happen. I whispered to Roxy.
Don’t be ridiculous! She exclaimed It’s an accident.
This supposed to be the greatest weekend ever. I added.
Well it still is! She confidently defended.
Her words really help me, at this moment I did not felt alone.
I haven’t finished my business with you… Sym whispered in Whitney and they both giggled.
I just rolled my eyes.
Okay, take a rest! I waved my uncertain good night to the both of them.
I walk Roxy in her room just beside Sym and Whitney
Good night? I greeted.
Good morning. Then she smiled.
I was expecting a kiss but what the heck my life sucks.
Thud. Thud. Thud and Moan.
Muffled sound echoed in Sym and Whitney’s Room. From Roxy room he can hear it annoyingly. She tries to cover his head with a pillow but it wont work the noise to too irritating.
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.
“Can I go to sleep now!” She yelled.
Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.
“Jeez, you’re not the only one here?? Keep it down a little will yah! Please!” She yelled again.
It became creepier by the moment, she stood up and went to the corridor, she can still hear the THUD sound from Sym’s room, and she opened the room door and peeked.
But they sound so asleep and resting and the noise stopped.
“You did not lock the door?” Whitney whispered to Sym
“I forgot? I got over excited” Sym defended.
“Just act like you’re sleeping”Whitney followed and stop goofing around and kiss me already.”
Roxy was on his way to her room when she noticed some tiny water stains on the wooden floor, as she looked closer at the floor and saw footprints from a child.
She followed the water prints and it ended up to her room, then slowly opening the door, she tried to peer into the tiny gap on the door.
She saw nothing.
But felt something eerie, like someone is watching her She was about to sleep when she felt that her bed is wet, she took pillows and blanket off the bed and saw foot prints of child all over the bed.
Then I heard a knock on my room door, I saw Roxy with the pillows and stuff.
“I can’t sleep in my room she said.“
I swallowed a large size of air down to my throat
“ I’m using my special request right now, this not what I’ve planned but…”
“Sure! Sure! Come in” I hurriedly said to make sure she doesn’t change her mind.
“I’m gonna sleep on the floor if you want?” I suggested
“No!” We both sleep in the bed. I swallowed another cup of air.
“I don’t know what to say, I mean.. Wow!“ A smile appeared in my face.
Why are you smiling? She noticed my smile I’m doomed.
She took a pillow and placed it in between us.
“Afraid to be alone?” I asked while fitting my body into the bed
“Not really.” She answered back. “It’s just felt weird.”
“Yeah, really weird.” I followed.
I turned to her side, “Roxanne?
Yeah? She looked at me.
“Nothing, Just wanna see you before I close my eyes”
Haha Corny! She laughs and pressed my forehead.
I pushed the pillow between us, then she pulled the blanket and I pulled the mattress and then we fell on the hard wood floor I’m on my back and she’s on top of me, we were both laughing. Then I kissed her. Her soft sweet red apple lips pressed against my cold lips. The warmth of her breath felt like it fills my soul. It was short but engaging, I inhaled a bit and smelled her aroma, again she fused her lips, her tongue caress my lower lip, and I felt every single beat of our heart jived. I fondled my hands into her supple chicks and wished this would never end.
Fleeting glance below the bed I saw a little girl gazing with her white eyes
Then I woke up, the sun is up to its mightiest. I’m on the floor with Roxy, she’s still asleep, with her arms are bind around me.
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