Hi blog! a busy man needs to be uptight right?
it's been a while. whew. i have a good news
I have a computer set with internet! atlas!
now I can blog all day long everyday no hassle!
This is the fruit of my freaking labor alhtough my dad and my brother cheae-in to get me this pc.
but it works fine for now it seemed to be fast thanks to a broadband connection, no i can work and transcribe here @ home :O lovely.
so will update you if i'm alone and if i'm thinking straight hehe
so cheer up!
I have a computer set with internet! atlas!
now I can blog all day long everyday no hassle!
This is the fruit of my freaking labor alhtough my dad and my brother cheae-in to get me this pc.
but it works fine for now it seemed to be fast thanks to a broadband connection, no i can work and transcribe here @ home :O lovely.
so will update you if i'm alone and if i'm thinking straight hehe
so cheer up!
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!