A year of extra-ordinary adventure
A year and three months, if I exactly remember, It was a tough journey, I've met some extra-ordinary characters during my stay here in the land of plenty and comfort. The values of this company is extra-ordinary. Our CEO was beyond any comparison with any other person I know. I will always look up to his teachings, a visionary.
With his teachings, I found new courage to take on new heights and take my career even more further, Now I think I have the courage to face a new challenge in life, a new environment in a more difficult scenarios closer to my dream.
I wish I could stay a bit longer, but there are things that I want to accomplish before a certain age, I'm not growing any younger, and opportunities are slipping away. (i think)
My cousin said to me.
Would you rather stay safe and be afraid or take the risk and grow.
My aunt said that, Worst-case senario, you will be eaten alive in this new world your entering, its up to you if you want to be devoured, but with the talent and skills you have, you must leave with double or triple of what you have right now...
I would not resign if everything is okay, I'm a retard if that's the case.
There are a lot of challenges that I personally facing at this moment in this company, and I think it would be unfair to me and to them if I stay longer.
You see, with the year I'm with them. I felt under-appreciated and over worked.
I wish I had an assistant or a companion to help me accomplish a task but it's really hard to find someone like me (duh)
I can handle the task and the job. I'm not a quitter ( i think)
Regular employee? yeah, after a year of working with all the rights violated. How about the benefits as a regular employee? Like what? Uniform, still pending, health card? still pending? How about the raise? yeah as if 1k would help. Mid year bonus, Only for the elite groups.
It sucks how they manage employees, the worst part it does not jive with the CEO vision of prosperity to all stake holders.
With the load of projects I have in my back with no support, Anyone would be crushed. There are a lot of reasons to stay and there are also a lot of reason to leave.
It all boils down to one thing.
What makes me happy.
be with my family, be with my brother in manila help him.
I'm taking a risk.
Hopefully this is the right one.
This is a new chapter in my life.
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!