To being a kid again
Hey Mickey, you're so fine. |
I'm the bug-eyed kid in the last row |
I always associate theme parks with festivities. When I was young, we always visited our keen in my father's province during the town's fiesta every summer. The highlight of our trip was the "Peryahan" or the town's mini carnival. Those memories made my childhood awesome. The thrilling death-defying rides, the smell of carnival food in the air accompanied by the lights, and the screams of people. Music to my ears. That is why I love going to theme parks even though I'm now technically an adult. Healing my inner child, so they say. I guess it's a good excuse to bring those childhood wonders and thrill back.
To Vacations and Frustrations
My SO and I planned this trip with my dad and my niece. I want to treat them to an out-of-the-country escapade. My niece's passport did not make it time for the trip. So, we shifted our itinerary to finishing our theme park run on the first day and exploring Hong Kong with my dad on the second day.
On the train going to the park, my excitement was off the roof. I'm really happy that I got this chance to visit the happiest place on earth. This only exists in photos and videos and I can't believe it. Now I am here. I got overwhelmed and I cried a bit. I looked away and hid my face in my camera viewfinder so my SO won't notice.
You see, growing up we did not have much. Leisure and vacations are privileges we get to enjoy whenever our relatives invited us.
To feel the heat of the moment
The Hong Kong summer was unforgiving. It was hot and humid. It drains your energy but that did not hold us back. We explored every nook and cranny. Lined up for our rides. We are sweating like a pig by the end of the day and love every minute of it. Next time we will schedule our trip during the cold season. Some rides and parts of the park are closed (bummer) but hey, it's another reason to visit again!
To infinity and beyond
All in all, it was an eventful trip that I will never forget. I'm happy to explore a whole new world with my significant other. We learned a lot about each other on this trip. I get to be patient and learn to accept my mistakes and miscalculations. To be attentive to her needs. She also knows how to calm me down now and It feels good to have someone to depend on. It was an unchartered territory for us and our first trip abroad. They say, traveling brings out the worst and best in people and I'm really glad to be on this journey with her. Cheers to more adventures together my love!
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!