A night with Jun Urbano

The Last Flare Team was invited to watch the gala presentation of MONAY at SM cinema1. This was made possible by University of Baguio in cooperation with our mayor Peter Rey Baustista.
Saturday, May 12 2007, 7am I got six gala tickets.
The movie is super funny; the cast are "Star Studded" first time to see almost all Philippine comedians and icons in one movie. Jun Urbano said that this movie is one hell of a dream.
The Best thing here is I'm with Atreo, 2nd thing; we met Jun Urbano, the writer and Director of this movie.
The movie is quite simple. There were NO special effects. NO super camera angles. NO superb sound. But it attacks your thoughts. I tackle your sense of nationality. It hits you. And it penetrated so hard, that you'll realize the true meaning of the whole meaning. There are a lot of movie out there, but this one is unique from all others.M.O.N.A.Y. (misteyks of da nasyon address yata) deals with Mr. Shooli, A comic character that Jun Urbano portrays He's also known as the Mongolian guy with funny accent.
The Story start as mr. shooli received a news that he's Filipino step father Mr. Garci is dying. Mr. Shooli's wacky adventure unfolds and a series of events that shows hilarious situations, humorous dialogues, and a whole lot of Filipino traits.
This movie is fit for youth nowadays. It's a great eye opener, an Inspiration and an outstanding lesson.
Posted by Guill, for comments and suggestions email me at :::: www.m_o_dwill@yahoo.com:::: or just leave a message in out tag board
thank you for reading
Batang kargador KX Pilot Episode: Baguio
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!