since its been raining and classes are suspended, watching some DVD's sure kills the time.
I was searching for some movie collection of my brother (since I haven't watch any of it in a while) I 'bumped' into this movie called
"GOAL" the dreams begins
well it seemed to be "dreamy" so i plug it in and feed it to our player.
without me notcing I was in almost half of it when I realized that I got carried way with the flow.
(normally i spent the first 5 minutes, then if I don't feel like watching it, ill throw it up in the other pile of dvd's)
it is really nice, (i'm a soccer/football fan)
it's my fraustration to be a soccer player, although i have'nt got any chance to play though...

it is spelled "goool" cause the poster that i got was released in england or something.
anyway the story follows "satiango munez" a good latino soccer player who chased his dream faced many struggles and unexpectedly end up in one of the biggest club in england "new castle" well the movie is filled with cameos of some of the real player which made it a little more realistic.
at first i thought it was based on real life or something, but sooner i found out that its not.
anyway I liked it so much tht I watched it for the second time. and then I want more, I was happy to see a blue ray disk entitled "goal 2:living the dream"
I was "WTF" man! woohooooo! it was like, there's a freaking sequel hiding in this pile of dvd's!!!!!! whahahahaha!
and then I quickly run it, it was fantastic, two movies, like a sequel in one day, I was totally surprised out of my head.
and then at the end of the movie there was a little super imposed text stating
"to be continued"
WHAT! there's another one? is this a trilogy or something? Ohly shite!
i quickly booth my computer, seach the net, and saw it is a trilogy!
but wait, when will it be shown?
well.. i got no answer.
i really love goal. super. best soccer movie ever.
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!