This are the times...

"I'm fed up. I'm sure to give up anytime soon." he muttered on the phone one lazy afternoon.

"I'm not sure, it's disheartening to know what they think of me" then the line went dead

He took a deep breath and felt the heavy air run as he sighed deeply and just sat in his chair looking at the ceiling aimlessly thinking about what she said, It's that moment in a relationship when you just feel its like the end. The start of the end.

Love is a tricky thing. You'll get tangled up with this whirlwind of emotions that if you can't handle it, you might as well give up. That would be the easiest to do.

But if ever somewhere like this might happen. I'd rather not give up on you.
I think you might like this video. I sure can relate to this stuff recently. weird.

Have you ever found yourself revisiting a chapter of your life when you least expected to? Does the story continue where it last left off? Or does it start over with new characters and conflicts? "Somewhere Like This" explores the effects of distance and time on a young couple, Scott and Irene.

Written and Directed by Wesley ChanProduced with Philip Wang, Christine Chen, and Ted FuProduction Crew: Sam Bay, Andrew Mai, Chris Dinh, Regina Fang


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