100 Things about her (she probably didn't know)
In a span of 3 years (and counting) here are the list of a hundred things that I like about her and probably things she might not know about herself..
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Yes, that duck dynasty hat.. |
- She's a genuinely good person. (Really really good person, it would melt your heart)
- She never gets mad. (She never gets mad! like crazy mad-cow!
- She rather cry and stay silent than hurt others.
- She never scream nor raise her voice.
- She says sorry even though it's not her fault.
- Never heard her swear in public.
- She's a closet otaku.
- Knows all japanese manga genres,
- She has a mind library of manga in her head
- Binge watcher
- Hates open ended endings
- Hates helpless girl plots that chases guys over the presmise of love.
- Loves Unrequited love plot
- She can write beautiful poems
- She has this beautiful blog: www.yanyanyayo.blogspot.com
- She's a very, very good writer
- She loves animals
- She don't know how to cook, but she tries so hard to be a gourmet chief in her own right.
- Love to binge watch everything.
- Can mixed and match different sounds to express her feelings
- Has her own glossary of terms/words
- Love animals all kinds of animals
- Love to make animals sounds
- Acts like a cat
- She can do a cat smile
- Sometimes she stares blankly into space and just smile
- Sleeping: Fetal position
- She's a really good karaoke singer
- She has different kinds of laugh
- Afraid of people, but tries to blend in
- Afraid of technological advancements
- Afraid to troubleshoot her own PC
- Scared of flying ipis (who isn't?)
- Has a very awkward college photo
- She has the brightest smile
- Rough and hard headed
- Does require a lot of courage for her to start speaking
- Has this weird and obsessive water complex
- thinks she's a vaporeon (a pokemon)
- She haven't finished a pokemon game because she's afraid to fight the elite four.
- Trains so hard for her pokemon, but worries about the defeated wild foes.
- A great gamer although she haven't had the chance to beat any game
- She prefer watching in sideview
- Love to take selfie and deletes it.
- She's a wide reader.
- Work-a-holic
- Loves to eat, but she really hates getting fat
- When she puts her mind into it. She could do anything she wants.
- Gullible.
- She often zoned out, then forget things.
- She can get over a problem and bounce back like nothing happened after a day-or-two
- Afraid of rejections
- Afraid of Kids
- No Exhilarating amusement ride made her scream (my life goal)
- She loves to go amusement park
- Hates the beach but a good swimmer.
- Loves love songs
- Has her own fairy tale love story
- She's a good eye for the art.
- Rarely paints but she always wanted to
- She can draw.
- Loves to draw.
- Yet, she don't want others to find out.
- She still give hand drawn cards to her parents for special occasions, and she only gave me one card.
- Frugal yet she splurge out of the blue.
- Hopeful.
- She has a nice ass even though she thinks otherwise
- She so lovely in dress
- She is the most sweetest girl I've ever met.
- She always says I love you first (most of the time when nobody is around)
- She makes me feel loved.
- She's afraid of exploring the world alone
- She usually leans her head in my shoulder even though she's taller than me.
- She love to hold my hand.
- She is a really funny girl.
- Everyone around her laugh and brightens up, and she has no idea why.
- Positive thinker, when she's down she picks her self up and just "fuck this shit"
- Strong person but easily discourage.
- Has a low self esteem, but somehow she has worked a technique to overcome that.
- She has a terrible anxiety attacks
- Dance awkwardly
- She cleans her bathroom more often than a normal people would.
- Even though she thinks she's doing bad at work, she actually doing a great job.
- Predictable
- Hates Zombie
- Hates pretentious people
- Can stay in her room for days.
- Socially awkward yet
- She thirsty for some company
- Prim and proper yet
- A Slacker
- She now slowly deciding on her own.
- She takes care of her gadgets so good that it exceeded it's lifespan.
- Efficient worker yet
- A procrastinator
- She never fails to make me smile.
- Can be a bad ass bitch if she wanted to.
- Has a strong reflexes, If we are in a taekwondo sparing. I'll have no match.
- Oh did I mention that I love her?
- She loves me too. I'm a lucky.
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!