
September and October.. yikes!

Ugh, I haven't been posting anything lately, I was consumed by well.. everything else.
So anyway As a tradition I'll celebrate my 26th err 27th Birtday post! woot!

Change is good

I have this fairly good looking (ehem) man bun that I've been trying to keep for almost 5-6 months now, Its quite long and fixin' it took a lot of time in my morning routine.

So on the eve of my birthday, I decided to trim all my hair and welcomed the Wentworth Miller inside me (prison break kinda Wentworth) It felt lighter weird, since I'm used to push my hair back,

Spending time with family

With no grand celebration, I spent my birthdate with my dad, we just hang around the house and cooked a decent birthday meal. I have a month long celebration so, this was just the start.

The weekend after that..

I left work a bit early Thursday and traveled to my hometown Baguio.
Rush of uncertainty waves through me, Since me and my girlfriend just had a rough time this past few weeks. However, all of the negative thoughts was flushed when I saw her after a long time. It's been almost two months since we last saw each other, it may seemed a bit shallow and cheesy but whatever. Everything was fine..

I spent 4 days in Baguio, visiting my cousins, exploring new things around the old town and spent time with her.

I also spent time with my best bud dentist Larla, and played monopoly (just like in highschool) and ate cake at her place. It was really good time.

Separation Anxiety

I went back from my old routine, then It struck me really hard. This feeling, this uncertainty again, the undying longing for someone, home sickness, this shitty feeling that wont shake off. I was a mess when I got back, part of my soul was still in my hometown. I hate this feeling.

So this week was a bit hard, adjusting to my module, same old life. I felt so lonely.

This is my birthday fuuuuuck this shiiiiiit!

So to cure this #Sepanx I broke my manual, and started to explore new things around me, distract me from this empty feeling..

It's working a bit.. hopefully I'll bounce back to normal soon.

Blogging also helps. :)


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