How to Survive 2020
The year started slowly, it seems everything is going well for me. Although I quit my job at the government agency (again) I ventured into business and became my own boss. I had a good start then when everything seemed to be going well for me, another hurdle was about to smack me right in the balls.
During this time, my weight dropped at an alarming rate. I'm not sure why, so we went to see a doctor for a check up. I got really scared. Various test was made to figure out what's wrong with me.
My savings went to the cafe and the bar which I invested in. I forgot to save some for myself. I'm barely hanging on and this sickness was such a big blow to me, financially and emotionally.
I found out that I have a hyperthyroidism. Same sickness that took the life of my mother. I'm battling a new monster now while my depression still active and lurking in the shadows gaining strength ready to pounce back.
Good thing I have my significant other, holding my hand through this ordeal. I've never been grateful.
MARCH 2020
The world is fucked up. After a month of opening the cafe, we are forced to close down during the COVID19 Pandemic. Limited supplies and no income this will be a Since I'm high risk, I stayed isolated. This gave me time to rest and recover. Continuing my medication hoping thiss too shall pass. Home Quarantined. I never thought I'd experienced this in my lifetime. I have read stories of plagues that spread out through history. So now all we got to do is wait it out and sanitize!
APRIL 2020
The New Normal. Slowly we are getting back at our feet. Although the threat is still present. We have adjusted to the new normal. The old world is gone and we have to live with our facemask on and sanitizers in our pocket. Still recovering and getting better. I'm gaining some muscle back. Getting pogi again haha.
MAY 2020
My cabin fever is in all time high. My depression kicks in and my anxiety grows bigger by the day. To distract myself I have turned into boardgames! Yey! Bought and played Catan, Splendor, Coup, Expanded the Unstable Unicorn deck, bought new ones like House on the hunted hill, Dead Winter and Pandemic.
It helped out a lot. I have done my follow up check up and the results are improving :) Thank God. I have resumed working with the NGO, building website and doing social media works. It's not full time but it pays the bills.
The Cafe is now operational, there are a lot of safety standards that needs to follow. We complied and hopefully we'll bounced back. The customers slowly shows up, there are days where we have zero sales there are days where we get by. I thank God for every day for the blessing and for the good health. I feel better now, although I'm still taking up medicine to keep me in fighting shape hehe.
We bought a laptop! Hooray! TufTap is the newest member of my gadget family! Now I can do more work! Like what my SO said. " It'll pay for itself" Now I can bring my work here at the cafe. I came to realize that this would be my first ever laptop. I never owned one before. All of the things I used to have was given to me by the agencies I worked with. hehe Good job Guill.
JULY 2020
Here we are now! I'll give updates from now on. I'll keep this blog rolling again. I missed it. It's therapeutic. Maybe I'll start a podcast or a youtube channel. I'm hyped!
My next goal is:
Buy a Nintendo Switch ^___^ That'll be my birthday present. What a goal haha!
The virus is still present and it'll still be there until a cure have been found out. News broke out that the historical bubonic plague outbreak in China. Yeah' 2020 has been written in our history as the worst year ever. But! Whatever happens, stay postive, don't forget to do what you love and treat everyone with respect.
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!