Saving the last school days

I need to complete a couple of stuff before I end my semester, here's a rundown

Gimo's checklist

  • Music Video: Individual
  • Adtech: Product Commercial and Poster
  • Thesis: Final Edited Copy
  • Program: TV and Radio PLUG

Current Status: Haven't finished anything yet.

My internship in the newspaper is looking great, although I still need to finish my quota, but in a week time after the holy week i'll wrap everything up, hopefully.

Things thats keeping me busy.

  • My Intern in Probe

well I really haven't done anything yet, but I'm still waiting for the approval of ate yas if she can squeeze me in.

that's my plan A my plan B was to just ask ate ros of KNN for my internship.

So the last week of march, after the grand graduation of a couple of my batchmates. I felt really lazy, I donno why but I felt really bad that I did not make it one time.


So my grades are all letters i was surprise to see my thesis, it's B+


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