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To Expenses and Experiences

My TV broke down which is a bummer. I love that television. It was my first time winning a grand prize raffle during the holiday of 2019. It was one of the happiest days of my life. I love watching Netflix on that badass. I love playing Nintendo Switch on it even more. It was a bit corny but I did not have much back then and it was the best treasure I could ever wished for. Makikinood po (Can we watch?) I'm not sure If I have shared this story yet but growing up television is a luxury we can't afford. If we wanted to watch our favorite program on a Friday Night cartoon we would go to our neighbor's house. We would watch from outside peaking into the window if we were lucky, we would sit in the doorway for the 30-minute glimpse of Power Rangers or Pokemon. I think we are lucky to have good neighbors that allowed us to experience those things, still, it would be nice if we had our own. Akira and his appliances  I think I'm about 9 years old, we had a TV set. Our first one

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