Hello! its good to be back
Oh, I miss this blog so much!
Now, i have as many time as I've got to write once again!
I would like to thank everyone who texted me to go online, who told me to write more, and to those who told me to make a new design of clothes, thank you!
Heres some awfully good news.
I'm starting to make my designs again, although most of my 'un published designs' are burned down, together with the other stuff ( see ub on fire)
and I have an update.
Well dont worry ill pick up from the last time I post so you wont get lost in space....
it seems to be preetty messed up right now, with all the :final output to be sbimitted.
So the field trip. (its like almost a month ehehe)
they say a pictures draw a thousand words, but a video tells it all...
I have a little trailer here that would definitely shock your heads of..
watch this before reading the text below
This is a road runner production trailer, a filipino production house that edit, films and stuff.
this is shown in the 2007 ad congress, and its super cool.
cant believe in my own eyes, first it was like a movie, but then it only shows how good filipino can be in digital imagery, and most of all its like
this "trailer" is made by filipino, and is shot in binondo manila, awesome huh?
I watch this during our field trip with the roadrunner production inc. near abs compound.
Now, i have as many time as I've got to write once again!
I would like to thank everyone who texted me to go online, who told me to write more, and to those who told me to make a new design of clothes, thank you!
Heres some awfully good news.
I'm starting to make my designs again, although most of my 'un published designs' are burned down, together with the other stuff ( see ub on fire)
and I have an update.
Well dont worry ill pick up from the last time I post so you wont get lost in space....
it seems to be preetty messed up right now, with all the :final output to be sbimitted.
So the field trip. (its like almost a month ehehe)
they say a pictures draw a thousand words, but a video tells it all...
I have a little trailer here that would definitely shock your heads of..
watch this before reading the text below
This is a road runner production trailer, a filipino production house that edit, films and stuff.
this is shown in the 2007 ad congress, and its super cool.
cant believe in my own eyes, first it was like a movie, but then it only shows how good filipino can be in digital imagery, and most of all its like
this "trailer" is made by filipino, and is shot in binondo manila, awesome huh?
I watch this during our field trip with the roadrunner production inc. near abs compound.
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!