movie marathon wanted hancock
Morgan Freeman ... Sloan
Angelina Jolie ... Fox
Terence Stamp ... Pekwarsky
Thomas Kretschmann ... Cross
Will Smith ... John Hancock
Charlize Theron ... Mary Embrey
Jason Bateman ... Ray Embrey
Jae Head ... Aaron Embrey
Eddie Marsan ... Red
David Mattey ... Man Mountain
Maetrix Fitten ... Matrix
Thomas Lennon ... Mike
It's pay day at Uinversity and most of the student assistant (that includes me) have recieved allowances YES!
So jester and I went to SM FRIDAY night, just to meet up with ann and her friend the original plan is to watch hancock but it seems annes friend already watch the movie so the whole movie date was ruined, i just invited them to eat and have some diner date.
Anyway, so that ight was so fun, while eating we talk and l;augh like we own the place.
I havent' laugh that much in months!
Before we go on our separrate ways anne bid good by and saiid i love you guill, I responded love you too, bye1 take care ayt!
It was a lovable evening.
So next morining, i teased jester for bieng such a silent sheep that night, I made him as my wing man to just cover up and take my girlfriends friend. but all he did was just sit there and listen.
Kanina lang
we atch hancock the night of the election of the oragnization and stuff, i should be the presider and the comelec chair but I make a quick get away and well just went to the movie house to watch hancock.
hancock is not your oridnary superhero film
it made me laugh and it also made me cry. its a nit lonely with some "whew" gladly
so strong points
A VERY UNBIAS LOGIC: the logic of the film is so genius. its balance and well spectacular.
SMITH as a hero?: After I am legend, will smith just kept me in awe in the roles he play. Will smith gave a better judgement as hancock.
the visual effects is minimal, and not to be apllaud on but it give this reality touch, well its not practically a weak point.
that all overall rating :D five smiles!
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!