First day of work

After work, I threw my bag on the floor, removed my shoes and socks, took my shirt off (wow this is turning out to be enticing!) and slumped on the bed head-on like PACMAN knocked Mayweather on the boxing ring.
YAY! I just survived the first day of work for 2014!

I was so frigging exhausted for unknown reason I fell asleep right away then woke up with a grumbling stomach, drench in sweat ( I forgot to turn on the AC) and a anguish desire to take a bath. It was past 9pm. 

How long was I out? I came home early at around 5:30pm that was about 5 hours! Yikes!

Since the holiday break is over, my body went on a severe shock of work. It's like this, as an expert on myself, I created a medical theory with no scientific research or whatsoever...

I will dub thee... "Post-Mortimer-Body-Holiday-Reboot-Anxiety"  or PMBHRA (pronounced as pambihira! )

I'm just gonna post this awesome human body photo just for a more legitimate feel

This happens when your body got used to so much fun during the holiday season your party energy was way up above the threshold of the human capacity.

You are in a party frigging animal mode.

As a result, you are on a hyper drive, less sleep with so much food around. It was a euphoria of blasting-kickass-happiness!

So, when you return to work/school you feel different, tired, and anxious.

Your body is in panic mode! It searches for the most possible way to generate the feel during holiday season, but it failed, It will bound to fail! No matter what you do, No matter what you eat. 
Then you will get bored. After that the system will shut down, you will feel asleep as your body tries to recover from the severe damage of boredom.

So that what I think happened to me.

What could be the solution.
Chocolate and a well deserve rest.

cheers! Happy 2014!

guillermo ocampo


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