The alarm phone went on, and my brother who snores so loud that it hunts my dreams, sometimes its like a dragon, or a huge dinosaur or some sort, but most of the time I thought he was gasping for air like he's dying, but it seems to be hes normal snore.
My brother is like three times of me, his arms is like my legs, one thing good about him is he always took a better care of me ever since my mother died, I gotta say that he's working his ass off in call centering and in weight lifting and push-ups.
There are time that he would jug for about half an hour, and when he arrived he was like so hungry and he'll eat, and he's jugging was useless cause he ate so much.
or sometimes he would do crunches and five or six and he would stop and rest, its like he's crunches are meaningless, he he its very funny to see him struggle to loose some of the flabs he had.
I , on the other hand was so freaking thin, if the number ten was invented, I was the "1" and my brother is the "0". I eat a lot, but often skip lunch or dinner, or breakfast...
anyway, I woke up at round nine AM, Since my class starts at 10:30, I snooze a bit and still had the time to watch my favorite cartoon show, "doraemon", they say I'm a bit old to watch cartoon but its not the cartoon I watch its how they created, how they write, composed the story. That's what I'm watching for, and some people wont even understand that.
You see, its very difficult to create a child friendly show first of all your audience is children you must set good example, your script should be in accordance with the whole lesson for the day.
the "doraemon" is a very colorful show that teaches a lot of things, I remember I was in grade school when its anime version boom in Philippine television.
So after enjoying the show, I ate my breakfast.. well a bountiful breakfast it is, egg, meatloaf, fried rice, a hot cocoa. Its like a heavy breakfast, and then I headed to for a shower and took off, as I look my phone clock, it was 10:30 am, and I'm still on my ride heading to school. I was so late. I ran from patriotic school, to jolibbee session to 711 then up to assumption road, heading towards my university, University of Baguio, I saw the elevator shaft cramming with people who don't want to take the stairs, CRAP! I was 10 minutes late! Like a flash, I ran up the stairs to the fifth floor, hoping to catch up the attendance, or even hoping the professor hasn't arrived yet.
YES! the door is left open maybe the professor just arrived, as i approach the door, I was catching my breath when I saw one of my classmate in front of me slowly walking toward the room, she's so relax?
A saw an empty room with just a few people that you can count on your hands, I ask several people who seems to know me but I don't know them, I'm not that friendly when it comes to classmates.
"Where is everybody?" I asked with a strange tone.
"maybe they knew that the professor is not coming" she answered proudly
I was like what the hell, I rushed all the way up here to end up nothing! no thang! what the crap!
It's almost midterms I and I haven't learned anything on this subject.
Some maybe some are thankful that the professor is gone while they were running late but I'm not, I just wasted my date, my fare, my time, and ended up empty handed. What kind of a freaking society Am i living in...
I'm some-kinda pissed because I WAS RUNNING and I WAS RUNNING until my lungs are out of are,I RUN. and I'm Tired.
I put my lumpy body on the arm chair, put my head on rest and fell asleep for 5 minutes.
I woke up, and decided to sleep at the office.
AT 12nn
I did my photography, we went to burnhamn park at 12 and I only have an hour to shoot everything, from aperture to speed of shutter to the different motions, i was like killing my self, good thing my friends are with me to guide me, well they were my photography friends :D
so I was half finished. At around 1:15 I run back to the office, cause my shift will start at 1:30.
There, I was running again, shissh, my legs are beaten up from all this running. to much running at one day.
okay so I arrived at around 1:30 just in time, but I'm so exhausted, my heart beats faster, sweat runs down on my forehead and I greeted everyone in the office with a smiling face like nothing happened, I went off to the comfort room and washed my face with a cold water, it feels great! then I went to our kitchen and ate my lunch, i was like a coyote eating, hungry, dying for some cold drink.
then at 2pm I started to clean the office, just sweeping the floor while answering the phone, freshen up the office with an air freshener, just to set the office strait, i like working on a clean environment.
so i went online, talk to Abner/Ace about the stuff, he showed me hes' former office in California, and talked about the things that happened in our high school days, It was fun talking about the things we should did, and talking about the bitterness we kept held in our heart all this time. :D
at 3:pm the president came
I started working.
at around 6pm
he asked me if I can give him the enrollment tally, I accidentally gave him the tuition tally.
hehe its like showing him not to implement tuition fee increase, hehe but he look at it with an awe, so he said,
No not the tuition tally
(in my head aw crap)
the tally of enrollment with the students per college
(yeah yeah I know shissh)
I went off and get the first semester tally, hey we only have the recent 2nd semester files! oh crap! I was like OMG OMG OMG, I went to the EVP office which is just next door, I looked for the secretary, but she already left, what the fuck, i went to the filing room and looked for the 1st semester tally, and there, I saw it in one folder,
"enrollment tally"
haha yes! i dig some papers, almost caused an avalanched on my way out.
Knock on the president door and gave the tally.
mission accomplished.
another day had been saved thanks to the running secretary of the president.
I should demand a salary raise! or else I quit
no just kidding i don't have a salary, My service goes to my tuition, and that service is wasted because of the professor who doesn't goes to class.
so that had been my day, and did i ever I told you how my fingers are soaring from my keyboard right now. and its a bit dark outside, so i need to go home! and rest! atlast!
syet my portfolio project is not yet done. oh well.
have a great day ahead of you and thanks for reading!
-and that's about it-
Additional there's no internet connection, so how the hell can publish this post argghh! XD Ill tomorrow morning.
My brother is like three times of me, his arms is like my legs, one thing good about him is he always took a better care of me ever since my mother died, I gotta say that he's working his ass off in call centering and in weight lifting and push-ups.
There are time that he would jug for about half an hour, and when he arrived he was like so hungry and he'll eat, and he's jugging was useless cause he ate so much.
or sometimes he would do crunches and five or six and he would stop and rest, its like he's crunches are meaningless, he he its very funny to see him struggle to loose some of the flabs he had.
I , on the other hand was so freaking thin, if the number ten was invented, I was the "1" and my brother is the "0". I eat a lot, but often skip lunch or dinner, or breakfast...
anyway, I woke up at round nine AM, Since my class starts at 10:30, I snooze a bit and still had the time to watch my favorite cartoon show, "doraemon", they say I'm a bit old to watch cartoon but its not the cartoon I watch its how they created, how they write, composed the story. That's what I'm watching for, and some people wont even understand that.
You see, its very difficult to create a child friendly show first of all your audience is children you must set good example, your script should be in accordance with the whole lesson for the day.
the "doraemon" is a very colorful show that teaches a lot of things, I remember I was in grade school when its anime version boom in Philippine television.
"Doraemon is considered a cultural icon of Japan and on April22, 2002, is voted one of the 22 Asian Heroes by Time Asia magazine. A majority of Doraemon episodes are comedies with moral lessons regarding honesty, perseverance, courage, etc. Several noteworthy environmental issues are often visited, including homeless animals, endangered species, deforestation, and pollution. Topics such as dinosaurs, the flat earth theory, wormhole traveling, Gulliver's Travels, and the history of Japan are also covered." click here for more info
So after enjoying the show, I ate my breakfast.. well a bountiful breakfast it is, egg, meatloaf, fried rice, a hot cocoa. Its like a heavy breakfast, and then I headed to for a shower and took off, as I look my phone clock, it was 10:30 am, and I'm still on my ride heading to school. I was so late. I ran from patriotic school, to jolibbee session to 711 then up to assumption road, heading towards my university, University of Baguio, I saw the elevator shaft cramming with people who don't want to take the stairs, CRAP! I was 10 minutes late! Like a flash, I ran up the stairs to the fifth floor, hoping to catch up the attendance, or even hoping the professor hasn't arrived yet.
YES! the door is left open maybe the professor just arrived, as i approach the door, I was catching my breath when I saw one of my classmate in front of me slowly walking toward the room, she's so relax?
A saw an empty room with just a few people that you can count on your hands, I ask several people who seems to know me but I don't know them, I'm not that friendly when it comes to classmates.
"Where is everybody?" I asked with a strange tone.
"maybe they knew that the professor is not coming" she answered proudly
I was like what the hell, I rushed all the way up here to end up nothing! no thang! what the crap!
It's almost midterms I and I haven't learned anything on this subject.
Some maybe some are thankful that the professor is gone while they were running late but I'm not, I just wasted my date, my fare, my time, and ended up empty handed. What kind of a freaking society Am i living in...
I'm some-kinda pissed because I WAS RUNNING and I WAS RUNNING until my lungs are out of are,I RUN. and I'm Tired.
I put my lumpy body on the arm chair, put my head on rest and fell asleep for 5 minutes.
I woke up, and decided to sleep at the office.
AT 12nn
I did my photography, we went to burnhamn park at 12 and I only have an hour to shoot everything, from aperture to speed of shutter to the different motions, i was like killing my self, good thing my friends are with me to guide me, well they were my photography friends :D
so I was half finished. At around 1:15 I run back to the office, cause my shift will start at 1:30.
There, I was running again, shissh, my legs are beaten up from all this running. to much running at one day.
okay so I arrived at around 1:30 just in time, but I'm so exhausted, my heart beats faster, sweat runs down on my forehead and I greeted everyone in the office with a smiling face like nothing happened, I went off to the comfort room and washed my face with a cold water, it feels great! then I went to our kitchen and ate my lunch, i was like a coyote eating, hungry, dying for some cold drink.
then at 2pm I started to clean the office, just sweeping the floor while answering the phone, freshen up the office with an air freshener, just to set the office strait, i like working on a clean environment.
so i went online, talk to Abner/Ace about the stuff, he showed me hes' former office in California, and talked about the things that happened in our high school days, It was fun talking about the things we should did, and talking about the bitterness we kept held in our heart all this time. :D
at 3:pm the president came
I started working.
at around 6pm
he asked me if I can give him the enrollment tally, I accidentally gave him the tuition tally.
hehe its like showing him not to implement tuition fee increase, hehe but he look at it with an awe, so he said,
No not the tuition tally
(in my head aw crap)
the tally of enrollment with the students per college
(yeah yeah I know shissh)
I went off and get the first semester tally, hey we only have the recent 2nd semester files! oh crap! I was like OMG OMG OMG, I went to the EVP office which is just next door, I looked for the secretary, but she already left, what the fuck, i went to the filing room and looked for the 1st semester tally, and there, I saw it in one folder,
"enrollment tally"
haha yes! i dig some papers, almost caused an avalanched on my way out.
Knock on the president door and gave the tally.
mission accomplished.
another day had been saved thanks to the running secretary of the president.
I should demand a salary raise! or else I quit
no just kidding i don't have a salary, My service goes to my tuition, and that service is wasted because of the professor who doesn't goes to class.
so that had been my day, and did i ever I told you how my fingers are soaring from my keyboard right now. and its a bit dark outside, so i need to go home! and rest! atlast!
syet my portfolio project is not yet done. oh well.
have a great day ahead of you and thanks for reading!
-and that's about it-
Additional there's no internet connection, so how the hell can publish this post argghh! XD Ill tomorrow morning.
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!