Slowly, I think i'm going NUTS!
Well this will be my first post this month of hearts...So where do I start.
- Marks my very first valentine.
- It's also the month of my city's Flower Festival
- Kung Hei Fat Choi! its Chinese NEW YEAR!!
- (I'm not Chinese but I love celebrations!)
- Also the exam week again, urgghh cant hardly stand the fun.(sarcasm)
OH! I would like to thank diway and ace for always dropping by, and discussing matters and stuff its really fun reading.
This week has been very intimate and exciting... I hope that sounds right.
Last friday, I donno what date it was, I read a memo paste in one of the classroom black board.
"To all photography student...(hmm is this for me?)
in part of the mass communication week (okaaayyyy)
blah blah... we take pictures, blah blah,
DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 2 2008 (uh, today is february 2)
DATE POSTED: FEBRUARY 1 2008 (yeah right)
Final Print DEADLINE: FEBRUARY 9 2008 (syete)
I was like.. wha?? theres to many dates! I mean..
I see, we need to take pictures to be displayed in a photo exhibit.
So I need some good idead.
after that overwhelming reading skill. I set off to find my inspiration my artistic overview on photography, I wasn't my pictures to stand out. HA HA HA! yeah the fame..fortune..power...
I scanned the deviant arts, to gather some good shots that I can render... And I was amazed how the night shots looked like, and well I don't know how to capture photos at night, hmm i haven't learned that yet, so indeed I need to consult my best teacher google to teach me several ways of night photography, within minutes I gathered enough know-how on night photography.
I need a model. Well there's only one person whom i can count on, every time I came looking for her she just pops in and save my day, she's pretty and shes my girlfriend, well kinda...
So I left Roxanne a message, asking if she could fill in the missing slots in my exhibit. and just a second her YM pops online, we talked a while and convince her to be my model,
"your the only perfect, prettiest girl i know in the whole wide world that can do this shoot, (blink)"
that message stickies the most awaited answer, her sweet yes.
So after a few minutes there she was, in front of me, she came by to my office to discuss and brainstorm, now that made me fall in love all over again head over heels in cloud nine.
Its a DATE then! all is set for Saturday's shoot.
well time flies so fast it is Saturday.
I was 5:30 when I called Roxanne, just to confirm things, and it was set a 6:00pm
I need my tripod, but its PIA so I rushed at our office to get my tripod, heading to PIA is fast but going back is a sure pain in the ass, the traffic is gruesome I was like cursing the traffic the dawn is almost dying.
then received a text message from my office mate..
"hey bro, your gf is here, liligawan ko na to!"
what! hell you freaking ass, just wait and I kill you myself.
knowing the guys in my office, they sure knows how to pick on someone.
I was running from session road to assumption, to general luna like speedy gonzales
and when i arrived at the office, there she was sitting at the couch, waiting.
Well I said sorry for a dozens of times, but she said she's fine, well I'm not worried about her, i'm worried about the guys in my office who "I know" will try to get there filthy hand on Roxanne".
I closed the office, grabbed my stuff and started shooting.
The night shoot is on session road, and I was hoping to catch a good speedy lines road night effect thingy, I'm using a film camera so I don't exactly know the settings of the camera, but in what I've read, maybe this picture will turn out to be just fine.
and guess what,
I went over to Roxanne's house, to finish some night shoot I was so happy to be with her that night, and well i never had my self focused in shooting, i just want to be with her the whole night long. So We did some fireworks shoots, yes they still have fireworks left last new year so we flared it up, it was like wow.
Hey! i don't know how to shoot fireworks! what the hell!
i was like pressing the shutter just adjusting every time the flare shines in the sky, not knowing that i adjusted the ISO setting to 400, letting the film under exposed. syete
I just want you guys to see the index print w/c I submitted monday.

so at the break of dawn, I was on the road, again, heading home took a bath and change some clothes, and after that I headed to PIA well too help the KNN kids shoot and also to finish Roxanne's photo shoot, so that explains the nature theme pictures.
After that the KNN kids who shoots for the Man On the Street reporting of National ID system, wrap the shoot at around 12 pm, while Roxanne and I finished the photo-shoot.
Shes very cooperative, its just that sometimes, I'm the one who can't decide the pictures to be taken. cause everything about her is so perfect and so natural I want everything. (NAKS! lakas tama)
I went to the organizational meeting/seminar that is held every first Sunday of the month.
well I fell asleep, and I haven't eaten any lunch!
then I got the index print from the photo-shop. and went home. watch some DVD, play some video games and rested.
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