Booth Bored
Today has been relief, work get even more challenging this month, with events in each side and with all the jobs that had to be accomplished in a small amount of time.
This morning I felt the 'burn.
I was like, wtf would I do?
do this, do that.
with the limited information in my hand plus the cramming and the time pressure my stress level was on the OPTIMUM LEVEL, and the next level would probably be the DYING PHASE.
So the only solution was to operation DE-STRESS!
what the hell is de-stress?
Stress is the way your body responds to demands. Stress can be caused by good experiences just as easily as by bad. When you are stressed by something that is happening around you, your body releases chemicals into your blood.
These chemicals cause you to have more strength and energy, which is a good thing if your stress is brought on by physical danger.
So de-stressing would only mean that you unclogged every thing you are thinking and try to arrange it by selecting what are the things you can do and what are the things you cant-do.
So, I stopped for a minute on the presentation I'm working on, walked around and grab some coffee, and bought some snack, munch away clearing my head.
I returned to my desk, and instead of cramming I tried to check what are the things I can do NOW, and what are the things I can do LATER on, so next would be what are the things I CAN'T DO, let others do it for me, in this case the research part so my buddy jeff who is a researcher did the data gathering for me while I focus on the layout and stuff on the presentation.
Then, I picked the Mac book, and went to the location of the presentation observed the crowd and try to revised some of the slides and checked the animation, this way I will know what to expect from the audience attitude and how do they respond to other presenter, next I kept my contact online via chat with my researcher, and just like expected he did find the solution for the problem that I have been cramming the whole morning, and getting away from the office helped too.
So basically where Am I getting at, you see office and work do make people crazy and to get a clear head make sure to de-stress yourself, it will help you in anything, and just a friendly reminder life is full of surprises you'll never know what will happen tomorrow, so fuck everything up and relax, you'll still be alive no matter what, unless it's the end of the world right.
The need to de-stress can be eliminated if you learn to prevent stress. Here are a few common solutions that have helped many people:
1) Take care of yourself.
The most effective way to de-stress is to prevent stress by getting get plenty of sleep and exercise, eat healthy, do not smoke and limit your alcohol intake to a moderate level.
2) Organize
Clutter is a reminder of work to be done, which keeps you stressed. Get rid of all of the physical clutter around you to eradicate mental clutter. You will feel happier and have surprisingly more energy.
3) Set limits
Do not let other people's hurtful behaviour keep you stressed. Set limits on how much is too much and when someone crosses the line, let them know.
4) Personal time
Everyone needs a little time to themselves. Make a list of all of the things that you greatly enjoy, yet never have the time to do. Put the list in order according to priority. Next, add the top five or seven things to your daily planner.
By marking the calendar, you will be more likely to follow through with the activities. It may be nothing more than reading a book or taking a bubble bath, but it will help all aspects of your life to have this time set aside for you.
5) Be optimistic
Attitude has more of an impact on your life than you may realize. By thinking positive thoughts and always expecting the best, good things will be attracted to you naturally.
6) Enjoy your work
If you do not wake up in the morning anxious to get back to work, ready to do your best and feel that what you do is important, then you need to find an alternative source of income. The majority of people spend most of their waking hours at work. If you are not doing something that you love, it will only increase the stress in your life.
7) Know when to say no
If you are not careful, you will end up living your life for others as opposed to the life that you want for yourself. The next time someone suggests you do something, take the time to consider if that is what you really want to do. Do not take on loads of work when you do not have to time. De-stress by learning to say no; people will understand.
8) Exercise is proven to reduce stress levels
The benefits of exercise, especially aerobic exercise, include strengthening your heart, controlling weight, lowering blood sugar and boosting your moods. Regular aerobic exercise will provide you with more stamina and help with keeping stress levels to a minimum.
cheers! until next time!
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!