DAY 06: Wierd dreams and the morning after
The clock is ticking, my phone is beeping, the sun is shining, well not yet but soon it will.
I'm in my warm bed, with two blankets wrapped around me, while my brother snores like a dinousaur I was having the wierdest dream...
First I was in a construction site. I'm helping one old man flatten the floor with a black cement, it's like an aspalt or something, he was discussing to me that this is the new generation of construction, the floor is made out of asplat rather than cement, and the buildings floor are made of strong metal cement with like a lego structure, He also mentioned that this is an eco friendly structure.
So i was amazed and conintued spreading the black thingy on the floor, then suddenly it stained my shoes.
"This will be hard to remove" I said in a grumpy tone and then it splatted on my favorite shirt!
and then i was back in classroom, with some of classmates in college some in highschool, the other are just friends of friend in this small room the teacher is giving out list of graduating students, while me and one of my groupmate in thesis is are discussing.
"we will not graduate if we have'nt finished this" she said to me
I was like looking at the other groups and saw that the are submiting the thesis to the teacher.
then the teacher announced that i will not graduate this MARCH!
oh syet! i said! no! then my tooth fell off.
first my two fangs then the rest of it followed.
it's like a scene in district 9.
I can feel my tooth falling piece by peice, i I went to the Comfort room holding a handfull of tooth.
then i woke up it was 6am, checked my tooth and it was okay.
what the hell was that?
I checked my phone, put off the alarm got tons of messages, good morning quotes. grab the towel a bit groggy a hot shower made my blood run.
checked the time: almost 7am my class would be 7:30. god i hate 7:30.
I packed my gym clothes, got my camera and tripod head out and the sun is already up. I noticed that i was wearing the same shoes in my dream and my favorite shirt! haha
walked until i reached the jeepney park. err jeepney station...
Drop my things at the office, grab some pen and went to class.
7:30 first class: Social Antropology.... not in my curriculum.
here's why
I did not noticed the Anthropology subject in my curriculum not until now. so i enrolled it last sem but it was too late. the class is full and they can'y make a special slot for me.
This time there are no Antropology subject offered.
so we need to petition for it.
and we did
but then we are only 8 student.
so we did wait and our dean talked to us.
We have a socant :social anthropology but it is in the dentistry department, you can get that subject and i'll credit it.
so I did.
Now i'm stuck a class of dentist.+ i already took the sociology class.
just shoot me. please.
I noticed that there are a lot of foriegn students :D
after that went to my typing class yes the class i dared not to enroll for the past 4 years. now its back. i'm hunted by it.
after that well i'm here blogging.
Oh yeah! while in FB "my first crush" added me. Just in time to mend my shattered heart.

Then my shattered heart turned into dust when I saw her relationship status.
But it's nice to see her after all first love never dies.
"Matured naman na ako ulike before." I told myself in confidence
like ace said yesterday after I squeled my emotions out in YM chat
then a voice over played one of my friend also said
yes! they are right!
There are a lot of fishes in the sea!
There are a lot of stars in the sky!
but what if the fishes, the good ones are taken? i'm not that good at swimming nor fishing
If there are a lot of stars, none of them falls for me?
then the radio started playing a song
the universe speaks!
I'm in my warm bed, with two blankets wrapped around me, while my brother snores like a dinousaur I was having the wierdest dream...
First I was in a construction site. I'm helping one old man flatten the floor with a black cement, it's like an aspalt or something, he was discussing to me that this is the new generation of construction, the floor is made out of asplat rather than cement, and the buildings floor are made of strong metal cement with like a lego structure, He also mentioned that this is an eco friendly structure.
So i was amazed and conintued spreading the black thingy on the floor, then suddenly it stained my shoes.
"This will be hard to remove" I said in a grumpy tone and then it splatted on my favorite shirt!
and then i was back in classroom, with some of classmates in college some in highschool, the other are just friends of friend in this small room the teacher is giving out list of graduating students, while me and one of my groupmate in thesis is are discussing.
"we will not graduate if we have'nt finished this" she said to me
I was like looking at the other groups and saw that the are submiting the thesis to the teacher.
then the teacher announced that i will not graduate this MARCH!
oh syet! i said! no! then my tooth fell off.
first my two fangs then the rest of it followed.
it's like a scene in district 9.
I can feel my tooth falling piece by peice, i I went to the Comfort room holding a handfull of tooth.
then i woke up it was 6am, checked my tooth and it was okay.
what the hell was that?
I checked my phone, put off the alarm got tons of messages, good morning quotes. grab the towel a bit groggy a hot shower made my blood run.
checked the time: almost 7am my class would be 7:30. god i hate 7:30.
I packed my gym clothes, got my camera and tripod head out and the sun is already up. I noticed that i was wearing the same shoes in my dream and my favorite shirt! haha
walked until i reached the jeepney park. err jeepney station...
Drop my things at the office, grab some pen and went to class.
7:30 first class: Social Antropology.... not in my curriculum.
here's why
I did not noticed the Anthropology subject in my curriculum not until now. so i enrolled it last sem but it was too late. the class is full and they can'y make a special slot for me.
This time there are no Antropology subject offered.
so we need to petition for it.
and we did
but then we are only 8 student.
our choice was...
a. to cross-enroll in SLU
b. to cross-enroll in UC
c. wait for it next semester (NOT)
d. wait. just wait.
so we did wait and our dean talked to us.
We have a socant :social anthropology but it is in the dentistry department, you can get that subject and i'll credit it.
so I did.
Now i'm stuck a class of dentist.+ i already took the sociology class.
just shoot me. please.
I noticed that there are a lot of foriegn students :D
after that went to my typing class yes the class i dared not to enroll for the past 4 years. now its back. i'm hunted by it.
after that well i'm here blogging.
Oh yeah! while in FB "my first crush" added me. Just in time to mend my shattered heart.

Then my shattered heart turned into dust when I saw her relationship status.
But it's nice to see her after all first love never dies.
Ha Ha Ha so lame.
"Matured naman na ako ulike before." I told myself in confidence
like ace said yesterday after I squeled my emotions out in YM chat
"there are a lot of fish in the
sea"sea sea sea...
then a voice over played one of my friend also said
"there are a lot of stars in the sky sky sky sky"
yes! they are right!
There are a lot of fishes in the sea!
There are a lot of stars in the sky!
but what if the fishes, the good ones are taken? i'm not that good at swimming nor fishing
If there are a lot of stars, none of them falls for me?
then the radio started playing a song
"oh how could i face the faceless thing, if i should
lose you nooooowwwww, were so close to reaching that
famous happy ending, almost believing this was not pretend..."
the universe speaks!
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!