
Here in the Philippines, the observance of the Lent in the Catholic Liturgical Calendar is widely practiced.
I can still remember when I was a kid, my parents would told me not to be "makulit" (playful) because Jesus is having his sacrifice, so should we, So if you turn on the television, no shows available, we still don't have cable connection back then and our first TV is black and white with a knob to switch the channel, although colored TV exist but we can't afford to have one yet, and if you check the radio, only few stations are on the air, and if your lucky you'll hear gospels or church songs. You could not play outside and have fun with your friends because if you got wounded, it will be hard to heal and will leave a mark forever, you can't be noisy, no meat pure veggies and seafoods, and honestly as a kid, I hated it.

But nowadays come to think of it, people are going-out-of-town for a beach party, a vacation spree, because its declared a holiday, from Holy Thursday to Easter Sunday. I even forgot to get a traditional grass leaf "palaspas"  to be blessed, good thing my cousin got one for the apartment, Kids don't even care, they have internet 24/7 video games all day long is the essence of the sacrifice still with us or only few observe this and it's dying with the rest of the old dudes. a sad truth yes, some of it are gone, but in modern times, it may need not to be as biblical as before. I miss the old days, i'm happy I experienced it somehow.

Some sacrifices that still might work.

No facebook: Although I check updates under a minute in a day
No meat: Pork is out of the menu.
Booze ban: No booze and club party for me.

and some sacrifices that did not work
Blogging :) haha but I think its for a cost.
internet surfing
watching DVD
playing Video games hahaha
and some other stuff

So that it's for now.

guillermo ocampo


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