Hunter x Hunter Remake

Here are my thoughts on the remake version of one of my favorite anime series. (I hope they do the same in Slam Dunk)

First thing I noticed.
Gon's dad "mystery" had been shrugged off, he is more dominant in flashback scene and actually has a face, unlike the 1999 series where he is mostly silhouette or showing his prominent back and clothes shos.

Remake of Gon's Dad Ging Freccs
1999 version

As I went through the series, even though the plot is the same, there are huge changes when it comes to the sytle and animation, at first I was a bit skeptic. This may ruin and create a confusion with the first series, but admittedly I was wrong, it was well crafted and sort of enhanced. Since the time difference, the animation was smother, new technology is incorporated. Comparing the style from before is a no brainier topic, of course this "remake" is better, but if you come to think of it. The old one is the best back then.

If the plot is the same, why would they reboot the whole series, instead of picking up from what it had left off?

That is my first bias question and then it hit me.

How about the younger generation, who haven't been able to catch the old one, and if they picked up from the last, it would generate more confusion and more irregularities, since things (like the features of Ging) would change, and copy rights would be breached since a new studio will be task to work on this (studio that brought us Bleach). If you truly love the series, you wont mind watching it all over again.

I wish the have use some of the music.

One thing I love about HXH is the songs, oh how I love the opening song. It brings back emotion the nostalgia, the memories the feeling.. EVERYTHING! The song is HXH, I feel its the soul of the animation and it should be part of the remake. Everytime I hear this song, I feel like a child again.

So now, we indeed have another chance to continue what was one of the great disappointment of our childhood. Continuing where it ended  after the Greed Island. (Slum Dunk! Inter high! remake!)

So one of my wishes do came true, to complete this life time,  how I really wish they recreate Slum Dunk, and finish the series so I can just move on with my life. I just need to point that out again.

So back to HXH

It's a more comic, this version tries to insert humor to disrupt the darkness of the theme, if you'll notice, HXH is not child friendly, there are subsequent deaths, corruption and power madness, which is technically not suited for younger audience. The remake is less likely, with colorful tone, less gore and blood suited for kids with adult supervision.

Another notable character recreation is Hisoka

He is the most eerie character ever and that translated more in remake, although the past characters presence seemed  to feel like psychopath, in the recent series, he is more reserve and dark. I'm hoping that they would insert a back story so we can justify why he likes to "stalk?" or should I say creep on Gon. It's an open book, I'm more enticed to follow his character development and learn more about him.

so that it for now. I'm really looking forward to this anime. High hopes and Cheers!


  1. you just tempted me to temporarily live an isolated life, avoiding all forms of life and eating junk food for days while watching HXH... you're evil!!!!


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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!

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