Hell Yeah! (part four)

[part 1]
[part 2]
[part 3]
Terrified on what I just witness, The second my foot touched the ground I started to run like hell.
James, Karen, Chris, Rhian, Perk, Ingrid and I went directly to the underground passage, not knowing what will happen next. We run as long as we can, I never looked back on the creature, I don't even know if it still tracking us down.
Dead end.
We searched for any possible exit point, Panic stricken we can't think of anything.
"Lets go back, we missed the last intersection that leads to Adenauer" . James said.
We cant go back there that creature might still be there! Chris said.
We have no choice! we need to go back! Perk said.
"Okay," I pulled out my gun, "I'll be the one who will lead us, If that thing ever came close ill let it taste a hot bullet."
We run back and looked for the intersection that we missed.
Found the path! I shouted.
But the path that leads to Adenauer is blocked by a cage like gate, we cant pass through.
James pulled his metal hook and started to crunch the rusted door.
I picked up my phone and started calling Rhians number.
It wont open! James frustratingly said.
Try this one!, I tossed my bat to Chris.
Then a ring echoed...
Guys...! Karen said, I can hear the ring tone...
Ingrid suddenly dashed toward the sound. Rhian tried to stop her, Karen and I chased her but then she pulled a chain, and a metal cage like door went down.
She was on the other side...
Ingrid NO! Karen said.
Tell ace that I love him so much.. Ingrid uttered and she run into the next intersection...
Then I saw the Nurse Creature, she's fast approaching.
Go back now go! I pulled Karen out, Come'on lets go,!
The nurse creature started to tackle to cage door, I pointed my gun and tried to shoot her down.
the cage door wont last that long, that creature is too strong.
James shouted, It's open!
We entered the intersection, then closed the cage door.
Run, Run, Run!
The tunnel leads us in front of Adenauer Building, just below the open car, and a bunch of zombies.
James, Chris, and I went directly up, and covered the others, we smashed the slow cunning infected zombies head to clear the path.
We are inside the car and the keys are still there. James ask if who knows how to drive, and Karen raised her hand, In front seat are James and Karen the four of us are at the back seat.
Zombies started to flock in front of the car.
The engine starts, Karen ask where will we go, I just said that we need to get out of this place and fast!
We passed through every zombie in the way. I saw the guard that gave me the magnum. with his new two infected friends.
We exited on the Saint Louie Hospital, leading us back to University of Baguio.
It was odd, The last time I'm here it was all secured. But now, not even a single human are in sight.
Karen said maybe they evacuated even before we arrived. We went out of the car, the cost is clear, we entered the facility.
I told them to gather everything we need.
I went directly to the presidents office, everything was still intact, there is no sign of death or anything. I went and get my Backpack,I got the my laptop, and the presidents key on his car. Put stuff in my bag with some bread, can goods, and mineral water from the convenience store in the food court. We are all set.
We plan to head to the mall, but the mall might have a horde of other people who thinks that way.
I said to them that we need to go to the Philippine Military Base, not far from here, that is the only safe place to go.
But the road that leads to the Military base is blocked by infected people, we will not survive if we went directly to it.
Perk said that if we make a detour from UB to Baguio Country Club via Pacdal, the ride wont be that messy, and he also mentioned that from Bagiuio Country Club we can make our way through Camp John Hay and we will end up in Scout Barrio, where the Military Barricade is located.
And yes, that was a great Idea.
We fixed ourselves, Chris got a shot gun, 2 caliber pistol and some magnum ammunition, from the security office, James on the other hand handles the medicine he found at the University Clinic, Karen, Rhian and Perk, planned the route.
We are all set. Next stop, Baguio Country Club!
-to be continued-
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!