Hell Yeah (part three)

[Part two]
James and I make our way though the exit door, at that moment I was losing hope that Rhian is alive, With a limited ammo and exhausted body, its just a matter of time before we get infected.
Plan B, we cant afford to have another encounter, Should we stop looking for any survivors, and make a run for it?
As our hopes fade, a rumble of a helicopter hit the air, It's the military! We looked at the window at screamed for help.
I think they saw us! James expressed with a glad voice.
YEAH they did! I contently said.
We also heard a bunch of people screaming for help, but where?
The voices lead us to the roof top! A joyful spirit filled our body. There are the others! We searched for a possible way how to get on top.
James found an emergency ladder, beside the building, but we need to pass through a narrow window ledge. We reached to roof top, and saw almost 30 students, awaiting and rejoicing that a helicopter saw them. Some of them noticed us, help us up, others are asking how are we, how's below and stuff. James is reunited with his friends that he thought was dead.
While I was searching in the crowd for any familiar face, I was hoping to see Rhian...
Then all of a sudden someone hugged me from behind, crying and thankful...
that smell, that voice...Rhian! you're alive!
I hugged her back, tight but gentle, I don't want her to let go in my arms,
She said she was scared, but I said everything was gonna be okay, Now that I'm here.
Thank god she's live.
The helicopter hasn't return. From the place where I am standing, I can see the whole University filled with walking corpse, I can also see other survivors on the top of ohter building waving and saying "Hi"! I got acquainted with some of James pals, Chris, and Ingrid, they shared their own stories on how they manage to set foot at the roof top.
I ask Rhian personally how she survived,
She told me that somehow one of her classmate was infected, She was able to get out of the room just in time, She also mentioned that a her friend Bianca was the one holding the cellphone when a creature ate her.
I told her the story about the ugly blob nurse, that creeps her out.
The sun is almost covered with dark cloud, a storm might come, The cold wind blows from the west.
I told James that we cannot last long on a roof, it might rain, we don't have any food supplies, and the helicopter might not return.
He agreed with me, he thinks we need to find a way to somehow look for a possible escape route
We look around the roof, I saw a possible exit point

We were planning to go down to the basement pass true a tunnel like sewer, pass through under Adenauer, we will end up in Rizal Building from there we will set on foot and make a run for it into the open car that is parked on the side of the building.
Sound easy right?
Well its not because under us is a mob of hungry zombies, waiting.
There were a debate going on between the people who wants to stay on the roof, and people who thinks that it would be better if we leave.
The possibility of being rescued is uncertain, but It's either you die trying or die waiting.
Most of them choose to wait.
there were only 8 of us who choose to stick to the other plan.
James, Rhian, Karen, Jiro, Perk, Ingrid, Chris, and Me.
Karen a Sophomore Engineering student was trying to contact her parent trough my cell.
Then she accidentally called Rhians number, that triggered the ring tone. That sound is coming close.
James said," who's phone was that?"
Rhian whispered, "thats my phone"
Everyone GET OUT here NOW! I shouted.
But they were smiling and doing their own business,
the ring gets louder and louder.
Guys let's go!
We hurriedly get down on the second ladder on the left side of the building.
James went down first followed by Karen, then Ingrid, Rhian, Chris, Perk, Me and Jiro.
The nurse blob was already at the roof top, and shes feakingly alive! feasting with defenseless students, Screams and a screech surrounds the whole place. While body parts starts falling from the roof
Within seconds, all the remaining student at the roof top died.
The nurse blob thingy followed us through the ladder she's crawling slowly towards us, the blood drips into my face, her tounge was longer than before. Her body was half burned, the white ladder quickly turned red blood as she pass though.
Com'on faster faster! She's here! She's here! I screamed
Then she grabbed Jiro's hand, while hanging on the ladder she pulled him up, and ate his brains out, rips his body apart, then she swallowed it whole.
Oh and she's right on top me now ! I freakingly said.
Then I felt a oozing goo of blood runs in the ladder, then I felt the ground on my toes
-to be continued-
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!