Hell Yeah!

It's almost a week now when a certain mutated rabis disease spread across the city, many got infected so drastically it occupied all the emergency rooms in hospitals, but the city government said that it's not an epidemic, its curable and there's no need to panic.
The patients body slowly decompose and emits a certain foul smell, their eyes started to turn into bloody red, while still conscious and alive. They have this craving to eat, and they became violent and aggressive.
Near our school was a hospital of Saint Louie, where majority of the infected patients were treated. A news arrived that the infected started to attacked some nurses and some patients. Others had escaped the facility.
Here in the University of Baguio, the president ordered to locked all the University Buildings and don't let any student get out, all the classes was postponed, everyone was in state of panic
From my office, I can hear the screams,the phone was disturbingly kept on ringing, All of them was asking about the situation, and they were asking about their kids stuff.
The marshals and guard equipped themselves and started to patrol.
I started to lock the office door, barricade it with chairs and tables. Hope this will stop them from infecting me.
I called up my brother to tell the terrifying news, he said that the Philippine Military, prepared a rescue.
The day dead walks among us.
I suddenly remembered Rhian, she's from SLU, I called her up and shes pleading for help, she said that the infected reached the campus vicinity, shes at waldo perfecto building 4th floor room P406,
I need to save her no matter what, I don't want her to die...
I rushed to the athletics office and borrowed a metal baseball bat, this should to the trick, I watch several zombie movies and played games with full expertise,
I sneaked in the basement, and pass through an underground vent. Thank god no zombies in sight.
I went to the back gate of SLU, I saw a guard hiding from his small station, I told him to help me look for my friend who's trapped in one of the university classroom, but he refused and told me that he's not earning that much to risk his life, instead he gave me his spare magnum, and wished me lucked.
I really don't know how to handle a gun...
I was shocked to see the disaster in the campus, most of the infected are students, and they were scary. I rushed in a back alley of the building avoiding a possible encounter, I reached the perfecto building, the entrance are blocked by chairs, then a bunch of zombie student from the basketball court noticed my presence.
"Holy shit"
I grabbed a stone and throwed it on a window, I climbed , one zombie jock grabbed my foot and pulled me i reached the gun in my hips at tried a wild shot on his head. the bullet hit his forehead, bursting his brains out. I was able to pass through that window, then someone grabbed me on my shoulder,
I quickly grabbed a hold on my bat, and I almost hit a guy with it,
He scared a shit out of me. He said his name is James, His ask me if I was the one who has a gun, i said yes, the guard gave this to me.
The a bunch of zombie started to climb into the broken window, i smashed their head with my baseball bat, while James started to barricade the window. I told him if their were any survivors in this building. he said that he was the only one.
James Said And somehow the infection has reached on classroom, and swiftly reached to a critical level. The Infection is unstoppable.
I went to the 4th floor, room P403,
"Rhian! Rhian Are you there"
But the room was empty and there are blood all over the place, Am I too late...
Then a James said that an infected student was within the group inside the locked classroom, and it killed them all.
I need to look for her, Ive'd risk everything to be here!
James said that maybe they went to the top floor, at the theater room, he never checked that part of the building.
-to be continued-
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nice work