Hell Yeah (part two)

[know how it all began click here]
James and I went to the top floor of the building, where the theater room is located.
The silence creeps me out, As we approach the room, my mind was running wild of unimagined things that we might see.
I told James to open it but he refused, he said that I am the one who has the gun.
Slowly. I pushed the door with a baseball bat, but it wont Bunged. I shouted if anyone still alive, but no one responded.
James grabbed a metal hook and started to wham the door, to burst it open. I on the other hand keep my guard on for any possible attack that may happen.
Then the door was open, the room was dark, I looked for a possible light switch, then I shouted "Rhian! are you here!?"
But a cold silent eerie echo filled the room, I took my cellphone out and tried to call Rhian, then a sound of ring tone shuttered the silence, The sound was coming from the back stage, We followed that sound that gets weaker and weaker a we move toward the back stage.
Two infested student was feasting into a unrecognizable character, One student felt our fresh blood, he attacked us hastily, I pulled out my bat and whamed him in the head, while James grabbed his metal hook tightly and whack it into the other busy zombie's face.
The first thing that came into me was Rhian's body, a closer look gave me a relief, it wasn't her.
We noticed that the ring tone was fading away from our spot, indicating that Rhian must be in trouble and she's running away.
We hurriedly chased the ring tone, then we saw dreadful thing, It's a infested nurse slobbering with blood, her head twisted and already cut open and her belly almost transparent belly was filled with fetus, and the ringtone was coming from her.
My body was frozen scared, as she crawls towards me, James shook me back into consciousness.
RUN! James boldly said
My foot was racing with each other as we walk toward the exit of the back stage,
THEN something grabbed my foot.
It was a feasted guy earlier, he's eating my brand new shoe! James, quickly shattered the guys face, while the ring tone gets louder and louder!
"Holy f**k! f**k! f**k!"
In a snap I was back on my foot, I pulled the gun, and we headed into the main exit door, then the door was blocked by a mob of faculty infested thingys!
OH shit happens isn't it! while shaking my head left to right, denying what I am seeing
We went to the upper bleacher, and yes upper bleachers has no possible exit point.
A small booth with lights control, and a bunch of chairs.
What are going to do now? Shoot our self in the head? James uttered.
No man! that would be nasty! I whispered softly.
I went to the lights booth, and turned all the stage and theater lights.
What are you doing men! Now they can see us! James confusedly stated.
Hope this works,
I climed in the top of the lights booth, grabbed my lighter in my pocket, placed it under the "smoke detector".
Com'on, com'on shower shower,
The faculty infested zombies are slowing coming their way up, then the bloody fetus belly nurse was on the stage, still crawling, and still wants our fresh flesh on his ugly belly.
Shower! water shower! I pleaded..
Oh My Freaki'n Goose! James shouted while throwing chairs at the faculty. (hey I want to do that!)
Then all of the sudden the nurse infested creature leaps!
OH CRAP! were dead we are zombie dead! James hysterically shouting.
The water pumped! at last! now what?
JAMES! come up here! hurry!
James with all adrenaline was on the highest stake, he was able to get up with-in a blink of an eye.
I pointed the gun on the electrical thingy on the ceiling and tried to shoot it, but like I said I'm no good at guns, so I missed, the nurse that now leaps was leaping its way to the booth.
YEAH RIGHT nice idea Dwill! James said.
Then the nurse accidentally leaps toward a light and exposed a live wire that triggers a smoki'n electrical surged that fries all the wet zombies including the no brainier leaping nurse.
...and that was nasty, and it smells awful. It looks good on movies and games but actually its disgusting.
-to be continued-
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!