60 seconds
Yes! atlas the long wait is over!
the one minute jr. workshop just aired the videos that we did! whoohooo!!!
click hereThis is my work, please post a comment please :D
well you can also watch my friends work, we worked really hard for this video, and we need your help to boost its popularity.
Right now, the Philippine Entries stand in a crowded videos, but if we all work together, we may achieve to get noticed and be popular, can either be..
"most discuss" we can surely beat this one cause the top one has only 10 messages in his video
"most viewed" Well just try to open a tab and alway refresh the video every now and then to make the hits count, this will to the trick in boosting up the "ratings"
"most rated" Always hit the top star! :D more votes mean more chance to be noticed!
so please please help us out and spread the word, We are aiming to be on the top spot in this years competition. to be one of the peoples choice awardee.
click here to see the Philippine Entries
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Wow thank you for your awesome comment! cheers!