I was kinda early in my first examination, too early and I forgot to get my permit, so I left my bag and hurriedly snap back to our office to get my examination permit, and then after that I chased time to get back on the classroom.
Then I saw this friggin girl sitting on my examination chair, I was like
and I saw my bag lying on the cold floor.
What a bitch! Didn't she saw MY BAG, that means someone is sitting on that freaking chair what a beeyotch!
I was so pissed, only to find out that her seatmate (That was supposed to be ME!) a very hot medical student (Argghhh, Could rip her flesh with my own hands!)
And I calmly said...
Miss my stuff?
My mind was bursting, while panting slowly, I could see her face like innocent kinda a look, her face was looking strait at my face. Her face was saying
wha.. wha.. uhhhh duhhhh.... wha....??????
ARGGGGGG! I could no longer bare the stupidity of that creature.
I calmly get my bag, and my stuff off the floor and look for another freaking seat. what a bitch, I will never forget her face, i will never forget this day, I felt like suppressed, Stabbed in the back a 100th times, pinged a trillion times, stepped while in the ground..
My seat
she stole my freaking seat
that freaking beach
beach!beach!beach! die you beach!
so I I found a chair, in front of the classroom, facing the freaking blackboard
then the prof. gave me a test paper and I handed my permit.
then the prof. called my attention, I was like still cursing the beach that stole my chair.
the I said, YES maam?
Prof.: I think you gave me the wrong permit..
I looked at my permit that devastated my pretty morning, I got the preliminary permit, not the first grading permit.
What the hell!!!!!
the she just took my test paper and marked it with a huge NP
First the seat thief now this what's wrong with the world momma!
While taking the exam, i was like cursing the world.
the test was not that difficult, i didn't even bother scanning my notes.
then i saw my brain on the test paper.
splattered and scattered all around the place.
Its was deadly.
it's like english subject, but the answers may apply in the other answers.
test one
1. ____________, is the fundamental thingy of the communication process where the thingy sets on a ______________. and ____________________.
2. thingy ______________ and ____________ are the things ______________ that thingy___________________used to be.
3. ___________, graphic thing are more effective in ______________.
test two.
choose the word that corresponds to the statement given below
visual aids
test three
in the given situation give the language barrier thingy
1. american man that called a chinesse guy his first name, the chinnese felt offended
my answer culture
2. a foreiner staring at a arab girl
my answer culture
3. Americans prefer to talk with a quite certain distance but French and Italians would love to talk in close to one another
my answer culture
okay my main point here is all of the given situation are cause by cultural differences, so whats the point?
she sate that the used of jargons, the environment the thnigy she mentioned was not in the freaking test waht the hell would I supposed to do? this test is freakingly stupid.
and she did not teach us anything we reported it what a pak!
syet, im so pissed right now errr
then i went to my e-media class for my last exam at around 10:30
no instructor, we text him if and what will we do in our examination.
he responded and you know what?
he said that the activity (public service announcement) will be our exam
actually i finished that PSA audio last week ahaha my classmates are a bunch of lazy, and stupid, they dont even know how to used a simple adobe audition, stupid.
hahahahahah the world is in my hand again! hahahahahahahaha
so that's how my day went.
i'm still little pissed on that girl
i will never ever forget that silly face
pak her beach!
Edit: well I edit and put a little format, fix some misspelled words and put a music :D
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